Our account of the happenings since becoming a new family of 3.
More Cherry Blossoms and the sea of people that came to see them:The Capital as seen from the foot of the Washington Monument:
Emma is now 15 months old going on 5 years old. She is a firecracker and quite the independant. Just recently she has taken to climbing into and onto anything she can. I caught her this morning climbing into her toy box despite my telling her no and that she shouldn't be doing it. While I was trying to be serious about telling her not to climb into her toys, I had to chuckle to myself...I hope you enjoy the video. What a wonder she is!
I don't think I like this:
No way! Get me out of here!Even Daddy couldn't make it better:
A view of our backyard:Snow is fine to look at from the nice warm house, but as you can see, Emma was less than thrilled with the idea of being out in it. Maybe next year she will enjoy it more. Hopefully you had a fun snow day as well.
While we may be the last family around to get one, we finally took the plunge and bought a Wii complete with the Wii Fit. Most times, Joe and I will play while Emma naps or is in bed for the evening, however Joe was playing one day while Emma was awake. She was at first very observant as to what her daddy was doing, but she soon became interested and wanted to try too. So with a little help from her Daddy, here is Emma doing the Wii Fit Hula Hoop. So cute!
Hello? Santa? The Christmas Ham:
Me and my baby girl:
Emma checking out the Christmas tree:
And here we are, a family of 3 for 1 year and 12 days. What a difference a year makes.