Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sweet Dreams

Lullabye, and Goodnight. Emma now sleeps through the her own room!!!! It has been about 2-3 weeks now and I feel like a new woman. Our little lamb goes down around 9:30pm and sleeps until between 7:30 and 8:30am!!! I have to admit that the first few nights she did this was scarey. I kept going in to check on her to make sure she was still breathing. So while Emma was sleeping away all night long, I was still waking up every 2-4 hours! I am now finally sleeping through the night again too and it's a beautiful thing. I never really realized how exhausted I was until I got a full 8 hours again. This mommy stuff is not for the weak!!
I realize its been a little while since my last post and I am sure you are all dying for more pictures. So without further is our sweet girl!
The tongue is always out these days:

A little smile:

More tummy time?

Well hello cute baby looking back at me in the mirror on my swing:

That's all for now. We had a family photo shoot this past monday so I will definitely be posting when I get the pics!!

1 comment:

lease said...

I'm so jealous!!! I'd be happy even getting 3-4 hours in a row.
Thanks for posting more pics. I've been dying for more. Can't wait to see the family photos.
