Monday, August 25, 2008

It's Fun to be One!

This past weekend was not only my birthday, but we also celebrated with our neice Elle at her First Birthday Party! Elle's real birthday is August 26th, but we celebrated on the 23rd at her home in Sperryville Virginia. It has been an exciting year for Elle and she has grown so much. She is such a happy girl and smiles all the time! She is the light of our lives and a special addition to our family. Happy Birthday Elle! We love you so much!
Here are some pictures from the day:
The Birthday Girl:

Emma wearing her party Hat:

Emma and Elle playing together:

Singing Happy Birthday to Elle:

Elle eating her cake:

Mommy and Emma at the end of the party:


Beck said...

Happy Belated Birthday to you!! Emma is divine - you will blink your eyes and her 1st birthday will be here! xoxo

lease said...

Awww. That was so sweet, Holly. Thanks so much. You guys mean so much to us and we were so happy you were able to make it down for Elle's special day...especially on your birthday weekend.
I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to catch up. I had no idea how hectic the day would be. We'll have to get the girls together again a more tranquil setting. I can't believe how much they've both changed in the short time it's been since we saw you last.


Laura said...

Emma looks so much like her dad in these pictures!!
How fun - we have no other babies in the family - no wonder Andrew thinks he is King... hehe.