Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!! Welcome 2008! Tonight was a quiet evening at home. No wild party and drinking this year. No sir, we were at home, watching the ball drop with our white grape juice and sweet baby girl. It may sound boring to most, but this was our best new years yet.
Since we were home this evening, Joe worked on getting some of the drop ceiling up in our basement and I spent hours working on Emma's birth announcements. I think they turned out nicely...take a look:With New Years comes New Years resolutions, so along with the rest of America, I have made the resolution to lose weight in 2008. I have a good reason though, I mean, I had a baby and need to shed those leftover pregnancy pounds (plus 10-15 more that I gained before I got pregnant). That makes me different from all the other diet junkies right? In all honesty, this new body I have is hard to embrace. I mean I am at a weight I haven't seen in years and I have new loose skin and stretch marks...sexy huh? Although, I could always say the stretch marks are tiger stripes....Roar Baby! All joking aside, while this body is tough to get used to, the outcome is so worth it. I mean I grew and gave life to a perfect and beautiful baby girl! In the words of a dear friend on her pregnancy weight, I am plump, glowing, and growing a miracle and that's good enough for me! I couldn't say it better myself! Weight can be lost,bodies can be changed, but my child is priceless and irreplaceable!
Some years we can wait to see go, and some we will always reflect back on fondly. 2007 was a year that will forever be remembered fondly, as it was the year that began our lives as a family of 3. Our lives are forever changed. May 2008 be a year of health, happiness, the love of family and friends, and the continued abundant blessings from our Heavenly Father. Happy New Year everyone!


Laura said...

Holly, the announcement turned out beautifully!! Happy New Year. :)

Beck said...

Love the announcement!! Email me anytime for encouragement. xo