Tuesday, January 15, 2008

One Month Check Up

Our girl is one month old!! Hard to believe, but it's true. We took Emma to the doctors today for her 1 month check up. She did great! Emma now weighs 9 pounds 9 ounces and is 22 inches long. She is in the 50th percentile for height and 70th percentile for weight. The doctor said she is growing well and is pleased with her progress. Emma now holds her head up for quite some time and enjoys looking at the world around her. She will look at us and follow us with her eyes and even turn her head if we move. She is starting to coo a bit and is overall a content and happy baby. We are so happy with her progress and are excited to watch her continue to grow and meet new milestones. Here is a picture from this morning of our girl propped up on the couch...such a big girl!!
So after 1 month, we are all adjusting well...even our animals! Check out our dog Teddy with his new baby sister:

So cute! Animals truly are amazing. Teddy really shows concern for Emma. If we have visitors and they hold her, he has to make sure "his baby" is ok. There are many nights that he sits in Emma's room by the rocking chair as I feed her. How blessed we are to have such a good dog.

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