You've probably heard that "tummy time" is important so that babies can learn to push up and eventually crawl, and tummy time is essential from day one. Experts find that babies who don't spend time face-down often have some delays in their development of motor skills. This time on the tummy helps babies learn to push up, roll over, sit up, crawl, and pull to a stand. So being the mother of the year that I am ( HA HA) of course I make sure Emma spends ample time on her tummy and up on my shoulder where she is forced to hold up her little head and strengthen her neck and shoulders. Things started out well:

But slowly started to crumble:

Until we hit meltdown:

So, as important as tummy time is, we have to do it in small doses. Oh well, at least she gets tummy time right? Feel free to pass along tips on how you make or made tummy time more enjoyable for your little ones.
Hi -
I recently ran across your great post on Tummy Time. Below is a link to an article that you may be interested in...
It's a great new web page that shows moms some great ways to get some tummy time in right from birth -- the pictures and captions show exactly what to do. Most tummy-time guides say to start at 3 months, but now experts are saying you should start even earlier, and the "moves" are much easier than people think -- mostly carrying and soothing positions that help to strengthen neck and back muscles. I hope this helps!
I have a blog JUST like this for my Emma Katherine! :) She feels the same way about tummy time that your Emma felt.
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